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Writer's picture王安当神父



列王紀上 3:5, 7-12

羅馬人書 8:28-30

瑪竇福音 13:44-46














"Heaven: Is it truly good or not? If Heaven is indeed a place of goodness, then where can it be found? What is its location, and what is it like? Before we delve into the concept of Heaven, let's begin by discussing the state of Hell.

Commonly influenced by a literal interpretation of the Bible, we believe that Hell is depicted as a fiery pit where numerous souls suffer. These souls, during their earthly lives, chose not to believe in God, who embodies truth, goodness, beauty, and holiness. They questioned the existence of God, often pretending not to acknowledge Him or intentionally rejecting His truth, goodness, beauty, and holiness. They elevated themselves above God and others, pursuing their desires at the expense of others' dignity and even causing harm to lives and property. Their actions gravely violated God's commandments and intentionally opposed Him. Consequently, the ultimate fate of these souls is to reject Heaven and willingly remain separated from God's blessings. Thus, Hell becomes a state where one can never experience God's presence, leading to eternal despair, pain, and lamentation, devoid of comfort, joy, peace, or safety.

Now that we've explored Hell, let's turn our attention to Heaven. The relationship between Heaven and Hell stands in complete contrast. Firstly, we can understand that Heaven is a state of comfort, peace, and true freedom through Jesus. His coming was to console those abandoned by others, performing miracles such as raising the dead, comforting the suffering, healing the blind and deaf, and casting out demons. In essence, Heaven is a place of profound comfort and peace. When a person becomes wholly united with Jesus, they come to truly realize that they are never alone and have always been blessed by God. Thus, entering Heaven implies establishing an intimate relationship with God, placing trust in Him in our daily lives, and living in accordance with the teachings of the Gospel, following the example of Jesus.

Brothers and sisters, entering Heaven is not merely a concept; it requires actions based on faith. If we hear the Gospel but still hold on to worldly pursuits in our hearts, we may jeopardize the opportunity to enter Heaven. Jesus once said, 'No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.' Therefore, not all baptized Christians will necessarily enter Heaven, but those who earnestly listen to God's word, wholeheartedly believe in Him, and strive to witness their faith in their lives will be with God in Heaven for eternity.

Hence, as long as we live in accordance with the teachings of the Gospel, Heaven is among us. Conversely, if we choose not to live according to the Gospel, the gates of Hell will not be far from us.

So, do you aspire to go to Heaven or Hell? The choice is in your hands."

(Written by Fr. Anthony Heng,CDD)

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